Ever month, we ask our authors what they’ve been up to recently and what new publications they’ve had. The list below has some of our author’s new and upcoming publications, as reported in September. Click through the links to find out more about the pieces!
Katherine Vondy (episode 4): Directing the world premiere of Jon Caren’s FRIENDS IN TRANSIENT PLACES with Fresh Produce’d LA. Playing in Los Angeles from October 14-October 30.
Kirsten Major (episode 18): “Lolita and the OPEC Basket” published in Catapult.
Zachary Tyler Vickers (episode 28): Review of Congratulations on Your Martyrdom!” by Other Stories founder Ilana Masad, published in Electric Literature. Congratulations on Your Martydom has also been nominated for The Story Prize; you can read the blog post Vickers wrote as part of their nominee series here. “Uncle Membrance Enunciates a Facelift”, published in Joyland Magazine; “Red Kangaroo”, forthcoming in the next issue of The Seattle Review.
Bokerah Brumley (episode 39): “Supper with a Tornado”, published in Southern Writers Magazine.
Bud Smith (episode 43): “Boss” and “Two Daydrinking Stories”, published in Hobart; “Reviews of My Life”, published in Barrelhouse.
Mary Rose McCarthy (episode 44): “The Vault of Heaven” published in Mused Bella online Autumn Equinox.
Brian Alan Ellis (episode 52): “A Thousand Tiny Goddamns,” published by Connotations Press.
Stephen Langlois (episode 60): “Application for Sentience,” published by glitterMOB.
Drew Nellins Smith (episode 62): “Why Do Men Patronize XXX Peepshows”, published in Vice.
Jason Gordy Walker (episode 78): “Ritual Behavior”, forthcoming in Measure: A Review of Formal Poetry; and “Two Poets”, forthcoming in Confrontation.